Tuesday, December 11, 2012

One picture

One picture. All it takes is one picture to ruin my day. From it I imagine a downward look of smug disdain. I'm no longer even worth stepping on. Indifference is a much greater insult than hate. It's been so long now. How long will it still haunt me? I feel as though I may never bounce back. I don't trust anyone anymore, the universe has no inherent meaning. It's like you were a creature meant only to destroy. Someone posted an article about narcissists last night. It made me feel better because you're so fucking textbook. But it gives you an excuse. It says you are that way because of a childhood trauma, that you stopped developing emotionally at that age. That would make you an emotional 12 year old if any of your story is true. Am I supposed to feel sorry for you now? I don't. You're still an asshole. I try so hard to be self aware. To get to the root of my own neuroses. No one had it easy. The world has tried to make up for whatever wrong done to you a thousandfold but you swat it away like flies and stew in your self made misery. You take no responsibility for the destruction you wrought in my life. You killed whatever thread of faith I may have had. Now the whole world is manipulative madmen to me, just waiting to stick the knife in. You said you were sorry, but your indifference tells the true story. Is it because I know you're a liar and you'd rather watch me burn than come clean? My curiosity still eats at me. I'd give anything to know the real truth.

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